Tuesday, August 20, 2013

മുട്ട മാല

മുട്ട മാലയും  പിഞ്ഞാണത്തപ്പവും: മലബാറിലെ  മുസ്ലിംകളുടെ    ഒരു  രുചികരമായ വിഭവമാണിത് .കോഴിക്കോട്  തലശ്ശേരി  ഭാഗങ്ങളിൽ ഒരു സ്പെഷ്യൽ നോമ്പുതുറ  വിഭവം .

Mutta Maala
01. Eggs - 30
02. Sugar - 500 g
03. Water - as required

01. Egg white - of 15 eggs
02. Sugar syrup - left over from using for Muttamaala
03. Sugar - as required
04. Ghee  - as required
05. Cardamom seeds - of 6 cardamom

Mutta Maala
01. Separate the yolks (yellow) and the whites of the eggs. Reserve the whites for making the Pinjanthappam which is usually served along with the Muttamala.

02. Strain the yolks through a sieve, stirring with a spoon and then keep aside.
03. Use your hands to rub in a spoon of egg white with the sugar.
04. Now add three cups of water to the sugar and boil. Scoop out the scum which forms on the surface.
05. Remove the sugar syrup from the fire and strain through a sieve and boil the strained syrup again in a thick bottomed vessel.

06. While the syrup cooks, make a very small hole in a clean coconut shell in the centre.
07. Block the hole from outside with your finger and pour the egg yolk in the shell.
08. As the boiling sugar syrup begins to froth, remove the finger from the hole and let the egg yolk fall into the syrup like a long string. Make repeated circular motion to form a round garland of strings and continue without interruption till all the egg yolk in the coconut shell is used up.
09. Reduce the flame and sprinkle some water on the cooked garland of strings.
10. When the frothing ends, scoop out the garland with a sieve ladle and arrange on a plate. Keep the plate slightly tilted to allow the excess syrup to drain out. Spread out the garland without breaking the strings.

11. Repeat the same with the remaining egg yolk.
12. When the syrup turns thick, add water to loosen.
13. Your muttamaala is ready! Serve with the Pinjanathappam (Recipe follows)

01. Beat the egg whites with sugar syrup and cardamom seeds. Add more sugar if required to suit your taste.
02. Now, pour out the egg white mix to pudding tray greased with ghee and steam cook till  done. Allow the pudding to cool.

03. Cut the pudding to pieces of desired size and shape.
04. Traditionally, the Muttamaala and Pinjanthappam are served together on the same large platter, with the Pinjanthappam in the centre and the Muttamaala decoratively  spread around. However the two may be served separately too.

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